Daniel Lamando

Berlin-based Programmer and Designer

Hello, World!

Notice: This post is more than 5 years old. I've kept it published for historical purposes but any technical content is most likely obsolete and any other content is probably not any better.

Hi! You've found the first post on my new blog. :)

I'm pretty proud of this blog. It's generated from Markdown by a NodeJS script and the whole thing lives on Stardust, a platform I've built for friendlier Internet applications. I've had at least 4 blogs before this one, so I've learned to not promise content - content takes effort! At the very least, I'm hoping to showcase my ongoing projects and let them reach a larger audience.

I’ve copied all of the posts from my old blog (about a dozen) so there's some old content still up from 2011, when I kept a travel blog, and 2012, my freshman year of college. Some of the old posts are more cringey than others! Please keep that in mind if you seek back.

I’m still tweaking my template, and in general improving on the underlying Stardust software, so this space may change :)